
The outdoor Testing and Training Facility in Vyškov, nicknamed "Stone Cottage", is intended to conduct special assignments using toxic substances and highly toxic substances for research and testing purposes. It allows to examine the function of devices of chemical and radiological research, anti-chemical protection and decontamination. In addition to this, it allows to provide the training within specialised preparation of chemical specialists using toxic substances and enclosed radiation emitters.

In the system of specialised preparation of chemical specialists, the facility holds a significant position considering its uniqueness, as for it holds the authorisation/certification for this type of training as the only facility in the Czech Republic.

OTF Vyškov is located in Military district Březina, 14 km away from the city of Vyškov. The nearest settlements are the villages of Rychtářov and Studnice, which are about 5 km away.

The facility includes:

  • Roofed working (testing) area to conduct research and experiments in real outdoor environment allowing continual passage of wheeled vehicles of total weight up to 35 tons,
  • the object (building) to conduct training with fully equipped control centre (camera, communication, detection, meteorological as well as measure and regulation systems), hygienic loop consisting of decontamination showers, changing room(s) for at most 20 people, lounge, shower enclosures with hot water (the clean part of the facility is protected against outer contaminated environment through pressurized filter ventilation),
  • the object ensuring training is closely connected to working (testing) area and allows to store materiel, to prepare and contaminate samples, to dry protective clothing and to conduct training assignments and testing with toxic substances in an enclosed space,
  • the object of testing intended to examine the tightness of devices used in individual protection before entering contaminated area,
  • artillery bunker equipped as (looking like?) improvised terrorist laboratory (the contamination of samples possible only via toxic substances simulants),
  • area to be contaminated with detection pole and contaminating device for outdoor experiments to ascertain properties of highly toxic chemical substances,
  • testing chamber to test stand-off detectors of chemical substances,
  • object of specialized laboratories with first-class analytical laboratory, laboratories to synthesize highly toxic chemical substances (mainly toxic/poisonous substances), laboratories to prepare samples, laboratories of aerosols and warehouses, including warehouse to store toxic substances and highly toxic substances,
  • neutralization station to collect, neutralize and temporary store liquid waste,
  • accommodation with capacity of about 30 people and conference room (maximum 40 people),
  • administrative object (offices and accommodation of work teams).

Area of outdoor testing facility Vyškov

Working area

Laboratories block