Group of CBRN Protection
Applied research and experimental development aimed at materials, assembly groups and individual and collective protective equipment. The work is aimed at creating assignment documentation, own research and development activities, cooperation in research and development with other organisations up to conducting the tests of the protective equipment when introduced into use.
Considering expertise, the group deals with the evaluation of the functionality of the protective equipment aimed mainly at the use in the Army of the Czech Republic, observing their life time and readiness to be used in the conditions of contaminated area. At the same time, expertise activities are aimed at evaluating relevant documentation.
When dealing with the tasks in the field of defensive standardisation, the activity is centred mainly on fulfilling the requirements of Defence Standardization, Codification and Government Quality Assurance Authority (Úř OSK SOJ) in Prague, which are given by the Plan of Defensive Standardisation of the Ministry of Defence and is based on the Legal Code act no. 309/2000, according to which the standardisation is the adoption of the Czech Republic to the standardisation treaties of NATO, the creation of Czech defensive standards and the methods how to conduct them
Main areas of interest
- Research of insulating, filtrating and sorption materials and assembly groups for the personal and collective protective equipment of insulating and filtrating type for the protection of respiratory organs, skin as well as for the parts of objects of collective protection,
- the research and design development of parts for individual and collective protective equipment, cooperation in the development of the devices of collective protection in military technology,
- the research and development of testing methodologies for research, development and expert testing of individual and collective protection protective equipment, their construction parts and materials,
- participation in the development of the sets of protective equipment together with manufacturing and other research institutions, mainly when creating technical assignment, own development work and the exams of developed equipment, for instance gas masks, insulating and filtrating protective clothing, filter-ventilation units for the forced ventilation of the personal protective equipment, the systems of filter-ventilation of the objects of collective protection, the distribution systems of compressed air distribution to breath in the objects of collective protection and other protective equipment,
- creating standards in the fields of individual and collective protection equipment, including the creation of corresponding Czech Defence Standardisation in the fields of individual and collective protection,
- expert and testing activity aimed at materials, construction components and the sets of the individual and collective protective equipment. In the field of testing, the group is able to conduct tests according to own methods, mainly:
- determining the frost resistance of the protective materials of the individual skin protective equipment,
- determining the resistance of protective materials towards abrasion,
- determining the resistance of protective materials towards flame,
- method to evaluate resistance of protective materials toward various temperatures and heat when affected by burning thickened flammable substances,
- determining the heat transfer when affected by flames on protective clothing,
- determining the breakthrough time of protective materials against drops of mustard gas in static conditions,
- determining the liquid permeability of areal materials against the liquid phase of mustard gas in static conditions,
- testing protective effectiveness of areal adsorption materials against the vapour of mustard gas in static conditions,
- testing the leak tightness of the face piece of a protective mask on test (Sheffield) head,
- determining the field of vision of protective masks,
- measuring the flow rate of liquid in a drinking system,
- testing the gas tightness of filter-ventilation units,
- testing the gas tightness of the protective clothing of the insulating types,
- testing the output parameters of filter-ventilation units,
- testing the output parameters of filter-ventilation devices and the gas tightness of the mobile objects of collective protection.