Realised projects
Projects realised for the Army of the Czech Republic:
- Polyvalent mixtures intended for the decontamination of personal equipment and small arms – PEROX.
- The reactivity of chemical catalysts (activators) when dissociating toxic chemicals in the environment of micro-emulsions – ENZYM MIX.
- Using active decontamination agents – TENZE.
- Hypochlorite emulsion aimed at the detoxification and disinfection of military equipment, weaponry and materials.
- New technological procedures for decontamination of military equipment, methods for preparation of dispersive decontamination mixtures and functional elements of technical means for their applications – DISPERSE.
- (Sub)micro-structural materials that can be used for destructive sorption and photo-catalytic degradation of CWAs and biological warfare agents present in process fluids and water – FOTODEGRADACE.
- Extractive decontamination of sensitive components of military equipment and material – EXTRAKT.
- Enzymes for the effective and non-aggressive decontamination of military technology and materiel, buildings and terrain.
- Studying possibilities to use microwave radiation for decontamination.
- Decontaminating sensitive indoor building surfaces and military vehicles - INTERIER.
- Modular system for the personnel decontamination – MODULE DECONTAMINATION.
- Modelling the stability of chemical contaminants on different types of substrates depending on the ground level parameters of atmosphere– OSUD.
- Stabilising risk elements in contaminated soils of military areas STABIL VÚ.
- Rationalising the assortment of decontamination mixtures in service of the Army of the Czech Republic – RACIONALIZACE.
- Developing the subsystem of CBRN protection for modernised vehicles BVP-1.
Realised international projects
- Environmental Fate of Agents – Support to the Warfighter – AGENT FATE (US Air Force).
- Decontamination of Indoor Building Surfaces contaminated by vaporised volatile CW agents (SPIEZ LABORATORY, Switzerland).
- Chem-Bio Decontamination/Detoxification of Large Volumes of Indoor Building Structures (CRISTANINI S.p.a., Italy).
- CW Agents Reactivity Testing on Protective Military Vehicle Coatings (ISOTRON Corp., USA).
- Device for Large Scale Fog Decontamination – COUNTERFOG (EU FP7-SEC-2012-1).
Participation in development projects
Mixer of emulsion decontamination mixture (EDS).
Frame line for the decontamination of wheeled and tracked vehicles Linka 08.
Small decontamination vehicle – MDA.