Department of the Decontamination
The oriented and applied research, development and testing of new decontamination technologies (decontamination mixtures, technological means for their application and decontamination procedures) to remove the effects of the use of WMD against personnel, equipment, materiel, buildings and terrain.
Modelling the persistence of CWAs in terrain, the research and development of experimental technologies in laboratory and field conditions, obtaining experimental data to validate mathematical-physical models, the research of interactions between chemical substance and substrate and the research of simulating substances for the needs of testing in the fields of detection, protection and decontamination.
Both outdoor testing and training of special forces in detection and identification, protection, and decontamination at the outdoor testing facility.
Preparing the analyses and prognoses of the ways of the development of the means of decontamination and technologies aimed at the elimination of risks when contaminated by chemical, biological and radioactive substances and when endangered by toxic industrial chemicals.
Consulting, expert and advisory activities in the field of decontamination methods and means and with the increase of resilience of objects against the impact of chemical, biological and radioactive agents.
Preparing and revising regulations and standardisation documents of the Army of the Czech Republic in the field of decontamination. Representing the Army of the Czech Republic in the bodies of NATO JCBRND-CDG HMP and HFM-RTG. Presenting capabilities of the departments and special units in the Army of the Czech Republic in the field of decontamination.