Division of The Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Protection - CBRNP
The main tasks of the Division of The Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Protextion – (CBRNP) are research, development, testing and expertise in the field of:
- the detection and identification of highly toxic and radioactive substances and toxic industrial chemicals;
- the protection of personnel, equipment and materiel against the effects of chemical, radioactive and bacteriological substances, toxic industrial chemicals and ionising radiation;
- the means of the decontamination of equipment, materiel, objects, roads, terrain and personnel;
- the analysis of unknown, highly toxic and radioactive samples;
- the laboratory and outdoor testing of the means of detection, protection and decontamination;
- special experiments using real, highly toxic chemical substances;
- the training of first response teams in real, highly toxic and toxic industrial chemicals environment.
The activities of the division aim at all fields of CBRN. Considering the special equipment and highly specialised facilities, the section centres mainly on the field of military chemistry namely on chemical warfare agents (CWAs), significant toxic industrial chemicals and toxins.

Division of The Special Electronics and Camouflage - SE&C
The main tasks of the Division of The Special Electronics and Camouflage (SE&C) are research, development, testing and expertise in the field of:
- radar passive systems and the means of electronic warfare;
- the research, development and commission work of electronic circuit solutions in the field of the reception and processing of signals;
- design of application programmes and programming FPGAs;
- construction realisation of prototypes for electronics and printed circuit boards;
- detection of explosive hazards (IEDs, mines, command wires);
- biomedical sensor systems: detection and localization using EM (electromagnetic) methods, telemetric and therapeutic applications;
- camouflage, concealment and deception of personnel, materiel and military activities.
Considering highly specialised main fields oriented on military issues, the SEC section is focused mainly on:
- applied research and development to support the Army of the Czech Republic via military research, development and innovations projects;
- taking part in NATO and EU military and civil international research and development projects;
- cooperation within military research, development and innovations projects with civil organizations , the companies of military industry of the Czech Republic and universities;
- providing services to army units and supplying the Army of the Czech Republic
- providing services for the civilian sector.

Division of the Materials Engineering - MI
The main tasks of the Division of Materials Engineering (MI) are research, development, testing and expertise in the field of materials and technologies necessary for the protection and security of the Czech Republic as well as for fulfilling liabilities to NATO and the EU based on the membership of the Czech Republic.
The most significant profile fields of the division are advanced material and technological solutions of armour in military platforms. The division is focused on ensuring and increasing the performance of military platforms against projectiles, fragments and a blast based on current and future needs of the Army of the Czech Republic and NATO. Several of the solutions are implemented into the armament of the Army of Czech Republic.
The most significant fields of activities are as follows:
- advanced materials and technologies of their processing and applications,
- testing of materials, anti-corrosion protection and expert activities,
- metal, ceramic and composite armour materials,
- passive, reactive and active systems of ballistic protection,
- the protection of vehicles and objects against a blast,
- performing activities of National Authority for STANAG 4569, 4686, 2920, 4630, 4370 and 4272.
Vojenský výzkumný ústav. s. p.
Veslařská 230, 637 00 Brno
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IČ: 29372259
DIČ: CZ29372259
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Public Contracts
The information about placing public contracts of a smaller extent are published at the profile of a contracting authority.
The profile of the contracting authority is found at, where there is unlimited, direct and remote access to assignment documentation.
Military Research Institute is recorded into Obchodni rejstrik (the Register of Companies) at Krajský soud in Brno (Regional Court) under number A25718. The date of entry is 27th September 2012.
Meeting of the project Nano-SHIELD consortium in Spain
The Spanish institution LEITAT hosted the 3rd meeting of the project Nano-SHIELD consortium from 10 to 12 April 2024 in Barcelona. VVÚ is also a member of the consortium. This project has received funding from the European Defence Fund (EDF) under grant agreement EDF-2021-OPEN-R-SME-Nano-SHIELD.
The Military Research Institute is part of the consortium for the "Nano-SHIELD" project financed by the European Defense Fund.
The goal of the project „Nano-SHIELD“ – Multifunctional nanofiber membranes as CBRN Shield for next generation defence and civil application is to develop membranes based on nanofibers that will be tailored for filtration harmful chemicals, biological pathogens and protection against radiation (mobile phones, etc.) and nuclear radiation (alpha, beta).