VVÚ, sekce Materiálové inženýrství uspěla ve velké mezinárodní konkurenci a získala projekt EDF2021

VVÚ, sekce Materiálové inženýrství získala projekt v rámci výzvy Evropského obranného fondu (EDF 2021).

Dne 21.7.2021 byly zveřejněny výsledky výzvy European Defence Fund (EDF 2021). Mezi velice úspěšně hodnocené a podpořené projekty se zařadil “Convoy Operations with Manned-unManneD Systems” (COMMANDS), tříletý mezinárodního projekt za  26,835,190.99 Euro, kde je Vojenský výzkumný ústav, s. p. součástí 21-členného konsorcia.

Projekt COMMANDS se zaměřuje na rozvoj schopností TLC pro agilní, inteligentní a kooperativní osádkové a bezosádkové pozemní systémy. Výsledky projektu umožní nejen modernizaci současných pozemních vozidel armád EU pro konkrétní mise, ale také budou integrovány v rozvoji budoucích vozidel např. v rámci projektu PESCO - Integrovaný bezosádkový pozemní systém (iUGS).


Call: EDF-2021-GROUND-D  (Fleet upgrade and close combat)


Type of Action: EDF-2021 

Type of Model Grant Agreement: European Defence Fund Action


Proposal number: 101074788

Proposal acronym: COMMANDS

Proposal title: Convoy Operations with Manned-unManneD Systems

Lasting: 36 months (01/2023-12/2025)


The COMMANDS project aims to develop Through Life Capabilities (TLC) for agile, intelligent and cooperative Manned and Unmanned Land Systems. These Capabilities will be based on a variety of state-of-the-art UGV Technologies solutions that will rovide seamless functional services across integrated modular open architectures. The answer to the UGVT call is based on a solid Systems Engineering process supported by a Technology Demonstrator and a Business Case, that will ensure early de-risking as well as potential early exploitation of technologies directly addressing a roadmap of self-reliant EU Defence TLC sustainable development. The results will not only enable to upgrade current ground vehicles of the EU inventory for specific missions, but also to be integrated in future vehicles in development. COMMANDS addresses the requirement of military unmanned ground vehicles to operate not only in controlled paved surfaces, but also in unstructured environments, facing degraded or denied satellite signal and communications scenarios where the development of Computer Based Processing Technologies, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence provide game changing Intelligent Capabilities. The Technology Demonstrator Programme includes both a laboratory demonstrator and a real scenario Mobile Demonstrator centered around the used case of a Last Kilometre Re-supply Convoy with Force Protection. The capability services architecture are common to manned and unmanned platforms. enabling  seamless, standard transition from manned to unmanned. The COMMANDS approach challenges the current state-of-the-art technology insertion, providing more efficient and effective cooperative intelligent behaviour and human-centred ethically aligned services in different Operational States and Environments, complementing manned-unmanned teaming. The proposal is developed in the context of PESCO project iUGS, and strongly aligned with the EU Ground Combat Capability Development Plan.

Name of partner/Country and grant amount